Privacy Policy

We recognize your right to confidentiality and we are committed to protect your privacy. This website furnishes complete information about our products and professional services and in return we expect a database of our valuable clients and web browsers who visit our site in the form of their contacts and feedbacks that we receive, which helps us in improvising on our services and products.

  1. You try to penetrate the website. Bluewolf Marketing owns the license & the intellectual property rights of the site and the material published on it and it is protected by the copyright laws and treaties under whichever jurisdiction it falls. All rights are reserved for all the works (including but not limited to the written word, graphical elements, and the computer code that makes up the website itself)
  2. You use the website for any kind of promoting or publishing or transferring pornographic data or child pornographic details.
  3. Deliberate introduction of virus, Trojans, bugs and logic bombs that are malicious or technologically harmful.
  4. An attempt to gain unauthorized access to the site, the servers on which the site is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the site.
  5. An attack on the site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack.
  6. You use the site for any illegal and unlawful purpose as mentioned or applicable under the Indian Cyber Laws.

In the event of such a breach, we will co-operate with the relevant law enforcement authorities by disclosing your identity to them.


This is why we use the identifiable details we hold about you:

  1. We only collect your details such as name, email and phone number in order to contact you (when you fill in our online form).
  2. We only use IP addresses of visitors to administer our website, for statistical purposes or to diagnose problems with the server. We may collect pages visited, content downloaded, or which links you visited our page from.
  3. We update you with special features and offers suitable to your industry needs.
  4. We need your feedback to gather user trends so we can work on improvising the same.
  5. We might send you occasional emails and/or news letters on matters that might interest you.
  6. Based on your browsing preferences we collect web statistics and improve our web site.
  7. For ensuring the content from our site is presented in the most effective way on your devices.
  8. When you have consented to be contacted, for providing you the fair information about our products and services or which may be of interest to you.


  • We use this information only for the purpose of customer service to you, or for improving our website’s function and usability.
  • We may use your details for e-marketing purposes, but you will have the option to unsubscribe to this. Security and confidentiality of information:

Any information you provide is kept secure and confidential. Only authorized Bluewolf Marketing authorities will ever have access to your personal information. We will take all reasonable security measures to keep your information safe.


We reserve the right to update and amend our privacy policy. Please review it regularly. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please
Contact Us.